About me.
Welcome to my site. Grab a seat and get comfortable. Life has a way of lif’ing I often say. Over a lifetime, it is said that we will all experience a handful of major transition moments that leave us rocking, shaking, possibly even feeling unearthed. These episodes are inevitable, and perhaps in a way there is comfort we can derive from knowing we are not alone in this human experience.
When life is lif’ing the last thing we feel deep within is kinship and a sense of belonging. Hardship tends to be isolating. And the times we do recognize that we are not alone in this sea of uneasiness, it still remains that we don’t want to stand in that space. We don’t want to belong to that society and community of hardship. That’s fair! Yet, out of this common experience we learn from ourselves and others that we are capable of so much uprising. We are capable of healing, recovering and rising to new heights.
While in the moment, pain feels debilitating; in time, it points to a great ability within the human soul to regenerate, renew and heal. Individually and collectively we are capable of sprouting new life.
I’m like everyone else in this way…
I have sat with deep pain,
I have mourned and grieved bitterly,
I’ve felt loss, betrayal and deep hurt.
I’ve experienced my strength sapping,
And, I have cried until my tear ducts ran dry.
I have thankfully experienced life after trauma,
And have watched years of darkness slowly changing,
Veils of pain lifting and falling,
To reveal newness of life.
My writing is partly influenced by my life’s experiences, as journaling has been one way I cope, learn and grow. I also reading about how people rise and keep on rising in spite of life’s hardships, and bits of knowledge from their words may spill onto this blog. I hope my writing encourages and points you to the wisdom and stress that you possess, and to your own ability to overcome and thrive.
I’m glad you’re here! You are resilient…keep rising!
Join me for poetry, short stories, musings to explore resilience and grounding through life’s journey.